Windows 2000 Scripting Bible

by William R. Stanek

If you've purchased Windows 2000 Scripting Bible, you can download the source code for each part by clicking on the links provided. For those who want to use the code and haven't already purchased the book, please buy the book and come back later.

UPDATE: 1/10/2006 Thanks to Brian Ruuska for letting me know the source files went missing. Although I've recovered the scripts from the original archives, I haven't been able to work my way through all the scripts to verify they are the final corrected scripts. Please let me know if you encounter errors. Also, if you'd like to see a new version of this book, please write to the publisher and let them know. This book pretty much got lost in the shuffle as the original publisher IDG Books (who also publishes the for Dummies books) was sold, resold, and then sold again to new parent companies. Wiley ( is the current owner of IDG Books and Books for Dummies. -William R. Stanek

Part I Getting Started with Windows Scripting

1.         Introducing Windows Scripting

2.         VBScript Essentials

3.         JScript Essentials


Part II Windows Scripting Essentials

4.         Creating Scripts and Scripting Files

5.         Scripting Basics

6.         Input, Output and Error Handling

7.         Working with Files and Folders

8.         Reading and Writing Files

9.         Managing Drives and Printers

10.     Configuring Menus, Shortcuts and Startup Applications

11.     Working with the Windows Registry and Event Logs


Part III Network and Directory Service Scripting

12.      Scheduling One-time and Recurring Tasks

13.      Using Startup/Shutdown and Logon/Logoff Scripts

14.      Introducing Active Directory Services

15.      Using Schema to Master ADSI

16.      Managing Local and Domain Resources with ADSI

17.      Service and Resource Administration with ADSI

18.      Maintaining Shared Directories, Printer Queues and Print Jobs

19.      Managing Active Directory Domain Extensions

20.      Where to Go From Here?


Part IV Windows Scripting Libraries

21.      Library: File System Utilities

22.      Library: File Administration Utilities

23.      Library: Network and System Utilities

24.      Library: Account Management Utilities


Part V Appendixes

A. Windows Scripting API

B. Core ADSI Reference

C. Essential Command line Utilities for Use With WSH


Contents & Source

Errata & Updates

About The Author