Ruin Mist Publications: The Journal Series
The first in a series of books from Ruin Mist Publications are the Ruin Mist Journals. These beautiful journals are perfect for recording your thoughts, secrets and dreams.
AUTHOR: Ruin Mist Publications PRICE: $20 US EDITION: First SERIES: Ruin Mist Journals
Also available in paperback: PRICE: $10 US
AUTHOR: Ruin Mist Publications PRICE: $20 US EDITION: First SERIES: Ruin Mist Journals
Also available in paperback: PRICE: $10 US
Ruin Mist Publications: Learning Series
Many of our readers have asked how Robert Stanek got started writing. They want to know about his life, the fantastic world he has created and much more. While he has tried to keep up with reader requests, this has been difficult—writing pays the bills and each hour he spends answering letters means an hour that isn't devoted to his next book.
We've collected all Robert Stanek's letters to readers, his writings for teachers and other educators who have asked about using his books in classrooms, his interviews with the media, and all the other Ruin Mist-related writings. Then we carefully compiled these to create the Ruin Mist: Learning Series. If you're a fan, a teacher, or a just someone who's interested in learning more about Robert Stanek and his work, we think you're going to like the resulting books. Teacher’s Classroom Guide to Ruin Mist: Grades 4-8
Paperback, May 2003 Synopsis Teachers around the US are starting to discover Robert Stanek's Ruin
Mist books and if you want to use the books in your classroom, this wonderful
guide can help you every step of the way. Beyond being entertaining, the
stories offer important life lessons. Through the eyes of the characters,
readers discover the importance of friendship, loyalty, truth and trust.
Readers grieve with Adrina as she mourns the loss of her mother. They learn the
importance of listening, and not just looking at the things around them, but
truly seeing the world as it is. They learn about modesty, prejudice and how
one person's perception of something can be different from another's. But most
importantly, they learn that people who are true to each other and themselves
can succeed.
This 8.25”x11” classroom book for teacher’s includes:
Table of Contents
AN INTERVIEW WITH ROBERT STANEK 9 Meet Robert Stanek 10 Family and Childhood 11 How many brothers and sisters do you have? 11 Did bullies ever pick on you? 11 Tell me about your Big Brother. 11 Did you read a lot when you were a child? 12 Did you want to be a writer back then? 13 Did you have any pets when you were little? 13 Tell us about your father and mother. 14 Did you always do as you were told? 15 Tell us about your grandparents. 15 Why did you move to the country? 16 Tell us about the farmhouse and growing up in the country. 17 What else do you remember about living there? 17 What was it like not having your father in your life? 18 School Days 19 Tell me about your first school. 19 Tell me about your walks to school. 20 What do you remember about that school? 20 Tell us about moving and changing schools. 21 Who was your favorite teacher? 22 Was there anything you didn't like about school? 23 Outside of school, what was your childhood like? 25 Have you ever gone back to the schools you attended? 25 Did you really get leaches all over you one time? 26 Did you watch a lot of television? 26 Do you miss those times? 27 A car hit you when you were young. What happened? 27 Military Career 29 Why did you join the military? 29 What do you remember about basic training? 30 Was language school hard? 31 Where did you go next? 32 Did you like living in Texas? 33 Tell me about your first assignment. 33 Did training end once you got to your first assignment? 35 Did you travel in Japan? 35 Did you learn Japanese? 36 Did you study martial arts? 36 Where did you go after Japan? 37 Was survival school really scary? 37 Is it true you met your wife while going to flying school? 39 What was Germany like? 39 Tell me more about the food in Europe. 40 Did you travel in Europe? 40 How come you had to go to war? 41 Was it scary? 41 Tell me about Hawaii. 42 What made you want to get a degree, finally? 43 Why did you leave the military? 44 Writing Career 45 When did you first start writing about Ruin Mist? 45 When did you first try to get the Ruin Mist books published? 46 What happened after your first book was published? 47 Tell me about the publication of the first Ruin Mist book. 48 How many Ruin Mist books will there be? 48 What will you do when you publish the last Ruin Mist book? 49 THE RUIN MIST BOOKS 50 An overview 51 Who are the main characters? 51 How does the author manage so many characters? 52 How come the Ruin Mist world has differing histories? 53 What is the dark place Vilmos visits? 53 Where do the dragons and titans live? 53 How come men and elves are enemies in Ruin Mist? 54 What is the significance of the Ruin Mist book covers? 54 What is King's Mate? 57 RUIN MIST IN SCHOOLS 58 Exploring Ruin Mist in the Classroom 59 Expanding Vocabulary 60 Learning Creatively 68 Playing King's Mate in the Classroom 69 Exploring Common Trades in the Kingdoms 73 Review Questions for Discussion: Chapters 1-2 85 Review Questions for Discussion: Chapters 3-4 87 Review Questions for Discussion: Chapters 5-6 89 Review Questions for Discussion: Chapters 7-8 91 Review Questions for Discussion: Chapters 9-10 93 Review Questions for Discussion: Chapters 11-12 95 Review Questions for Discussion: Chapters 13-14 97 Review Questions for Discussion: Chapters 15-16 99 Quiz!: Chapters 1-2 100 Quiz!: Chapters 3-4 101 Quiz!: Chapters 5-6 102 Quiz!: Chapters 7-8 103 Quiz!: Chapters 9-10 104 Quiz!: Chapters 11-12 105 Quiz!: Chapters 13-14 106 Quiz!: Chapters 15-16 107 POST-READING ACTIVITIES 108 Sorrow & Grief 109 Responsibilities 110 Eavesdropping 111 Friendship & Loyalty 112 Perceptions & Misconceptions 113
How many Ruin Mist books are there? Nine: Six children's books and three for adults. Children should start with The Kingdoms & the Elves of the Reaches (ISBN: 1-57545-059-3). Adults, with Keeper Martin's Tale (ISBN: 1-57545-042-9). A companion volume entitled Ruin Mist Heroes, Legends and Beyond (ISBN: 1-57545-067-4) is now available.
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Student’s Classroom Handbook for The Kingdoms and the Elves
Paperback, August 2003 Synopsis Seeks to meet the needs of
classroom teachers and parents with home schooled children, many of whom have
written to Reagent Press looking for more classroom materials based on Robert Stanek’s
books. The handbook included the complete text of the original book, The
Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches, plus vocabulary builders, student
activities and discussion questions.
In addition to the complete text of The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches, this 8.25”x11” student’s handbook includes:
Table of Contents
Map of East and West Reach 5 Map of the Kingdoms 6 About the Author 11 INTRODUCTION 12 CHAPTER ONE: THOSE DESTINED 13 Chapter 1: Word Search Extravaganza 20 CHAPTER TWO: THE WINDS OF CHANGE 21 Chapters 1 and 2: Review Questions 29 CHAPTER THREE: IT BEGINS 30 Chapter 3: Word Sort Fun 41 CHAPTER FOUR: DISCOVERY 42 Chapters 3 and 4: Review Questions 48 CHAPTER FIVE: REALIZATION 49 Chapter 5: Word Jumbles Away 58 CHAPTER SIX: PERMISSION 59 Chapters 5 and 6: Review Questions 65 CHAPTER SEVEN: MEETING 66 Chapter 7: Word Search Extravaganza 71 CHAPTER EIGHT: GUIDANCE 72 Chapters 7 and 8: Review Questions 80 CHAPTER NINE: AMBUSH 81 Chapter 9: Word Sort Fun 85 CHAPTER TEN: FIRST LESSONS 86 Chapters 9 and 10: Review Questions 94 CHAPTER ELEVEN: DECISION 95 Chapter 11: Word Jumbles Away 102 CHAPTER TWELVE: VANGAR FOREST 103 Chapters 11 and 12: Review Questions 108 CHAPTER THIRTEEN: THE BOTTOMS 109 Chapter 13: Word Search Extravaganza 114 CHAPTER FOURTEEN: REST'S END 115 Chapters 13 and 14: Review Questions 119 CHAPTER FIFTEEN: DISASTER 120 Chapter 15: Word Sort Fun 124 CHAPTER SIXTEEN: RETURN 125 Chapters 15 and 16: Review Questions 127