Site Navigation Tips

The Front Page

All graphics on the page are clickable. Clicking on the Internet Daily News logo shown takes you to the paper's background page. Clicking on the section icons take you to the respective section. A text-based menu at the bottom of the page provides an additional way for you to navigate through the paper.

Major Sections

All graphics on the page are clickable. Clicking on the section logo will take you to the next section. You can access individual columns by clicking on an appropriate link. A text-based menu at the bottom of the page provides an additional way for you to navigate through the paper.


Clicking on a section icon takes you to the next column in the section you are currently in. The text-based menu at the bottom of the page allows you to go back to the front page or to columns within the current section.


Caching Problems:

Please ensure that your browser verifies documents at least once per session. If you have the Netscape browser, you can check this by clicking on the Options menu and then selecting the Network Preferences sub-menu. If your browser Never verifies documents, you will see old articles when you revisit Internet Daily News. Our site is set up for efficiency in navigation and publication. Current articles are always in the cissue directory.

We sincerely hope you find Internet Daily News to be one of the friendliest publications on the Internet.

Front Page

This page and all contents are Copyright (C) 1995 by The Virtual Press, Hawaii, USA. Internet Daily News and its respective columns are trademarks of The Virtual Press.