Tim Vandehey

Background and Bio

Tim Vandehey loves to talk about himself
more than any other subject, and will easily ramble
on for pages if not restrained and shot up with a
strong morphine-based depressant. You been

Hola from the Left Coast, pursuants of wisdom!
I'm hanging here in Laguna Beach, California, home
of the only homeless people in the U.S. who can
also play a mean game of two-man beach volleyball.
It's a rough existence, but I deal. I work at home
here, which means my usual morning routine is to
get up, grab the paper, walk down to Pacific Coast
Highway, laugh myself into hysterics at the morning
commuters, then amble down to the beach a block
away and read the Times while the sea lions are
doing their morning aerobics. It's also a great
opportunity to check out some lovely ladies doing
their morning jogs.

What do I do to deserve this hedonistic lifestyle?
I'm a writer, smart guy, as you might have guessed
from the column. I work from a corner of my
bedroom, with my cat Sam and the lilting strains of
Blues Traveler as my main companions. I write (and
get paid for!) a humungous range of stuff, including
advertising and marketing materials (hence the
column), CD-ROM content, magazine articles, copy
for Web sites, scripts for interactive games and
training tools, radio commercials, stage plays,
screenplays, and fiction. I also do a lot of graphic
design and consulting, mostly for small businesses
trying to set up a marketing strategy on a budget.
The name of my company is-get this-Pacific Whim
Creative Services. It's a play on Pacific Rim! Get

Fine. Think about it, and let's move on.

I come from a journalistic background, and used
to run a major martial arts magazine in L.A.'s lovely
San Fernando Valley. So I've been writing ever
since junior high. It's definitely what I'm best at, or at
least the only thing I'm good at that I can ever get
paid for. I currently have a consumer CD-ROM in
final testing which will be on the market in February.
It's a kick-butt health and fitness CD called "Cory
Everson: Body, Mind & Soul." For those of you who
don't know who Cory Everson is, she's a six-time
Ms. Olympia and is just, like, too fit for any human to
comprehend. So when you see her smiling face on
the computer store shelves, buy the disc, dammit!

What else........hmmm...........? I'm also a
professional vocalist, on and off. Currently it's on,
and I'm singing with a local jazz ensemble. I also
produce and direct theatre all over my home county,
and am planning to review the world's biggest
theatre festival next summer in Edinburgh. I do
aikido, mountain bike, kayak, hike, play basketball
badly, travel a lot, drink very expensive tequila, and
spend a lot of time in blues bars with guys named
Smoky and Fat Possum. I am 30, have no visible
facial scars, and wish baseball could be played all
year 'round, cuz I hate this NFL crap.

That's enough for now, I think. I might add more
later if these IDN guys don't wear my fingers to the
nub, the slave drivers. Until then, be safe and be
good humans.

Peace. Tim Vandehey

Tim Vandehey
Columnist, Internet Daily News
Inside Scoop

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