Kathy L. Casper

Background and Bio

"The writer does most who gives his reader the most
knowledge, and takes from him the least time." - Sydney Smith (1771-1845)

I was born and raised in Butler, Pennsylvania,
a sleepy steel town north of Pittsburgh. It was a
Norman Rockwell upbringing, spiced with Dick
Clark's "American Bandstand", Nancy Drew
mystery novels, sled riding, summer camp, and
the "Greenwood Robinettes" parade marching unit.

My writing has traveled with me through four years of
high school, one marriage, three children, one
divorce, a relocation to the state of Florida, and
two careers

In November 1994, I launched InfoQuest Business Services,
which began as an electronic research venture. It has
evolved since then in many directions, including HTML
authoring, Internet publishing, and consulting.

Writing has been an integral part of each chapter of
my life, and if I had to choose a favored writing vehicle,
it would be the essay, although I also
enjoy writing articles, poetry and newsletters.

I am awed by the WWW and the tremendous
opportunity it presents for unlimited content - any
writer's dream! I strive for economy in my writing,
because when I am not writing, I am a reader. As a
reader, I appreciate an author who gets to the point,
provides me with information, and does so without
boring me to death!

A good writer is like an honest cabdriver - he takes
you where you want to go, using the most efficient
route, and he entertains you along the way!

Kathy L. Casper
Columnist, Internet Daily News
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