Tamara Amthor

Background and Bio

Government worker by day, writer by night...

I guess that's the "double life" version of
me. I am currently working as a Technician in one of
the largest "private" (non-taxpayer-funded)
government institutions, and do free-lance music
writing on the side. It may be too soon that I'll be
relying on my writing to pay the bills, however, as
the agency I work for has announced massive
downsizing, but I would love to write for a *real*

North Dallas, Texas is where I presently
make my home, but I hail originally from Pittsburgh,
PA. I am a HUGE Pittsburgh Penguins fan (go
Mario!) and can sit and watch ESPN for hours
without complaint. Music is my main love, though.
My favorite band is Nine Inch Nails, but I like and
listen to a wide variety of genres. Tchaikovsky and
Steely Dan both bring chills, and to me, that's the
whole point of enjoying music, right?

I played clarinet and bassoon in nearly all of
the various heavily-awarded bands and orchestras of
the Bethel Park High School system and graduated
from there with honors in 1980. I then attended the
University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN for news-
editorial journalism from 1980-1984, earning
membership in Sigma Delta Chi and the Nellie D.
Kenyon Award for Excellence in Journalism while
there. UT's campus paper, The Daily Beacon, was
one of the finest in the country, and I wrote a
number of music reviews and columns for the paper
during my highly enjoyable years in Knoxville.

Nowadays, I like spending time with my
wonderful beau Jason, and my two pets: Katy, a
sweet-faced spoiled rotten black cocker spaniel, and
Jorge, a rambunctious box turtle. I am currently
working on a romantic thriller-type novel about the
sleazy side of the music business.

Tamara Amthor
Columnist, Internet Daily News

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